The backlight of my beloved 2002 Powerbook Titanium DVI 667 MHz failed some months ago. So it went into the attic and collected dust - until now. I gave it a shot and opened the machine using a Torx screwdriver. The insulating foil of the inverter board (the unit that converts direct-current used by the mainboard into high voltage alternating current, that is used by the cold cathode fluorescence lamp illuminating the LCD screen) showed clear signs of a blown joint. Also the inner case of the Tibook showed burn marks.
Signs of a blown connection
I deinstalled the inverter board, opened the insulating foil and inspected it. The inductor coil has five input and two output solder joints. One of the output joints was blown. I took a normal soldering iron and a thin wire of copper and re-connected the joint.
inverter board soldered (not nicely looking i admit)
The original insulating foil for the inverter board was busted during the deinstallation. So i took a normal household plastic bag to improvise an insulation for the IB.
The reinstalled inverter board
Close-up: white and pink are the wires connected with the output joints leading to the backlight bulb
After installation i did put everything back in place, closed the cover, tightened the screws and hoped.....
booting the beast
I was lucky. The trusty old Tibook started and the backlight ignited. Success!
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